
Showing posts from July, 2018

Focus in right direction-Which direction?

Hello guys, Focus in which direction is very important in ones life. 1. Always Focusing exclusively on getting results:Buy doing this you will be inside the box instead focus on great outcomes in which the outcomes strengthen my relationships and my reputation. 2. Focus on whats important/urgent: Antidote-Focus on what matters most. 3. Focus on showing what i know: Antidote-Bringing on the best that everyone here knows, including me. Namasthe...

What you need to see in other people-Connecting Values

Hello guys, Post is relating to connecting ideas and people 1. Focusing on errors/faults in other people-Always by doing so you will never know the positive side of the person better to look for the best in imperfect people. 2. People either for me/against me: Always treat the people with same perspective , which means treat the people with respect if against you. 3. Taking things personally-instead take thing purpose fully. 4. Focus on the now (Power of Now)-Always try to be aware of the things going in mind. 5. Listen to on my terms-Antidote: Always listen to people on there terms. Namasthe....

Yes you can win-Self Development

Hello guys, Post regarding ones mind control when communicating with others... 1. If you have a phobia of worrying too much here is the key to come out worry: What is that i can control and what are the things beyond my control if you focus on this point you will clearly know the purpose of your suffering. 2. Always you talk within you/or want come out of self talk here is the solution to come out of that: Focus on what you want to do for others like how to help them achieve there goals, mostly self talk are criticizing others or self. 3. Ego problems like am correct:you can come out this selfish attitude by realizing that you cannot be always correct, and by clearly visualizing your views, always learning from mistakes and open minded attitude admit any mistakes you do. Namasthe...

Mind Relaxation Pics


Meditation techniques

Hello, Meditation techniques are as follows: Chanting Mantras of your choice continuously with no space for thought in mind can heal ones mind with positive thoughts. Concertinaing on tip of nose is also one technique. concertinaing on in and out breath is helpful. Guided meditation By Eckhart Tolle available on you tube is best for beginners. NOTE: Always choose same place for mediation. Always prefer same time for doing mediation likely in morning. Do same Warm up exercise before doing mediation(Breath in and out for 30 seconds to one minute). Blessings from LCW Forum. Namasthe!....